Infinite Loops Wiki
Nico Robin
Nico Robin
Universe One Piece
Status Looper
Special Abilities Intelligence

Hana Hana no Mi fruit

Nico Robin is a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, and their archeologist. She seeks to discover the True History of the world, including the events during the Void Century, the hundred-year period before the Great Kingdom was destroyed and the World Government subsequently was formed by the twenty kings who had banded together to overthrow it.


Robin is a dark haired, quite tall woman with dark hair and a buxom build, as is common to most females from her world. Robin is generally seen in dark clothing with a hat of some sort. 


Robin began looping at some point along with the rest of the Straw Hats, though when she began looping exactly is unknown. However, she was one of the later reported looping Straw Hats. 


Hana Hana No Mi (Flower-Flower Fruit): Robin's baseline ability, attained when, as a child, she ate a Devil Fruit that allows her to sprout additional body parts on any surface around her, including her own body. She normally uses these powers to restrain people with additional arms, and later learned to make full flesh and body duplicates of herself.

Weapon Transformation: Having looped into the Soul Eater universe at some point, Robin became a Demon Weapon, a being born with the ability to change from a human form into a weapon, in her case a scepter. She can combine this with her Devil Fruit powers to in essence wield herself and generate powerful shock waves. 

Alchemy: Having looped into the Fullmetal Alchemist world at some point, Robin is able to use alchemy to alter the world around her in a manner similar to the Elric Brothers. 

The Force: Having replaced Obi-Wan Kenobi in his fight against Grievous on Utapau, Robin presumably can use the Force. 

Swordsmanship: Due to replacing Obi-Wan, Robin is able to use lightsabers. Combined with her Devil Fruit, she can use them in multiple hands, similar to Grievous. As this is not her primary skill, however, the position of ship swordsman is still firmly Zoro's.

Subspace Pocket: Like all loopers, Robin has a subspace pocket. 


Straw Hat Crew: Robin and her crewmates LuffyZoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Franky and Brook, are incredibly close. Harm any of them at ones' own peril.
